I have a proven track record as a trainer in EU State aid Policy and State aid acquis across various countries. Since 2003, I have developed and implemented more than 100 Open Training programs and tailor-made training courses, including the creation of comprehensive training materials. More specifically:
Lithuania (Estep and Ministry of Finance, 2024): Tailor-made training on “State aid in R&D&I”.
As part of my position as Case Handler Officer at DG Competition of the European Commission, I provided State aid training to the officials of Greek national authorities and intermediary bodies, covering several aspects, namely: ‘the concept of State aid in the internal market’, ‘Services of General Economic Interest’ and ‘Research & Development, economic and non-economic activities, ancillary activities and claw-back mechanism’ (Greece, January 2020).
I delivered as an external expert, five training seminars (2016, 2017 and 2018) for the Member States on behalf of DG REGIO under the programme ‘State aid in the management of the ESIF during 2014-2020’. These seminars were organised by EIPA in cooperation with Ecorys and PwC. Topics covered: concept of State aid: the principles, workshop on the notion of State aid, the General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER), workshop on the GBER with emphasis on Regional aid and SMEs and financing of infrastructures with emphasis on R&D&I.
As part of my position as Senior Legal Officer at the Competition and State aid Directorate of the EFTA Surveillance Authority, I delivered the following training activities: I have provided training to the officials of the ENOVA funding agency in Norway (2016). ENOVA is a Norwegian government enterprise responsible for promotion of environmentally friendly production and consumption of energy. The training focused on aspects of environmental State aid, energy infrastructure and electric car refuelling stations, aid for district heating and cooling measures, measures for the generation of energy from renewable sources, aid measures for energy efficiency measures, measures concerning the use of environmentally friendly materials and measures for supporting on shore electricity supply. Furthermore, I provided training to the State aid Department of the Norwegian Ministry of Finance (2015) and to the Icelandic Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs (2018). Both trainings covered the general and specific provisions of the Council’s newly adopted General Block Exemption Regulation, with a special focus on the articles covering aid for R&D&I, aid to Innovation clusters, aid for regional investment and aid for training and job creation.
As part of my position as a Senior lecturer/consultant at the European Institute of Public Administration, 2003-2012, I developed and implemented numerous open State aid (horizontal as well as sectoral) and competition law seminars for public officials, officials of EU institutions and private practitioners. These seminars covered all aspects the State aid domain. In addition, I contributed to the development and implementation of specialized workshops where experts in the field presented their own cases for discussions and advice. Indicatively, advice was provided on: financing of buses for public transport; construction of social housing; privatization and State aid; sport infrastructure; risk capital measures; payment of license fee for motor racing; aid for agricultural NGOs; tax deductions for intra-group interest; development of joint ventures with private sector; seaport infrastructure and selectivity; State aid for railways rolling stock; gas infrastructure and aid to a monopolist; State aid for incubators etc. Lastly, I have an extensive experience in delivering in-house, State aid tailor-made consultancy workshops at the premises of the requesting authority. Such workshops have been delivered as follows:
- Bulgaria, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works 2009;
- Croatia, Technical Assistance Project 2008;
- Estonia, Ministry of Finance 2008;
- Greece, Community Support Framework Management Organisation Unit 2007, 2008, 2011 and 2012;
- Greece, Managing Authority of Operational Programmes for Information Society 2008;
- Greece, Ministry of Development 2004, 2006, 2008 and 2012;
- Greece, Ministry of Transport 2009;
- Greece, Ministry of Employment 2009; Greece, Information Society Ltd 2007;
- Greece, National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government 2008; Hungary, State Aid Monitoring Office 2008;
- Ireland, Planning and Policy Department of Údarás na Gaeltachta 2009;
- Italy, Region of Lombardia 2006;
- Latvia, Ministry of Economy 2010;
- Lithuania, Ministry of Economy 2006, Business Support Agency 2010, Ernst & Young and Ministry of Finance 2012;
- Luxembourg, European Court of Auditors 2010, 2011(x2), 2012 (x2), 2015
- Malta, Malta Enterprise Ltd 2005;
- Sweden, Swedish ESF Council 2005;
- Turkey, Prime Minister Undersecretariat of Treasury 2012; and
- United Kingdom, Office of Project Appraisal 2006.