1. “State Aid Policy in the European Community: A Guide for Practitioners” (2nd edition), (co-written with Professor P. Nicolaides and M. Kleis), 2008 EIPA/Kluwer Law International
2. “The EC Merger Control Regulation: Rights of Defence – A critical Analysis of DG COMP practice and Community Courts’ Jurisprudence”, Kluwer Law International, 2006
3. “State Aid Policy in the European Community: A Guide for Practitioners”, (co-written with Professor P. Nicolaides and P. Buyskes), EIPA/Kluwer publications, 2005
Book chapters
1. “Compagnie des Pêches de Saint-Malo: Questions of Procedure and Substance, Case C-212/19 Ministre de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation v Compagnie des Pêches de Saint-Malo, (co-authored with María Muñoz de Juan and Jaap Tilstra), published in Milestones in State aid Case Law Edition 2022, Lexxion
2. “The Origin of State Resources: Awaiting the Court’s Ruling in Case C-656/15P European Commission v TV2/Danmark A/S”, published in Milestones in State aid Case Law Edition 2017, Lexxion
3. “Public procurement and State aid” (co-auhtored with Kine Neslein), Research Handbook on Public Procurement, 2016
4. “State aid in the Energy Sector”, in “European Law and Energy Policy”, (in Greek) (forthcoming 2012)
5. “State aids in the Maritime and Land Transport sectors”, in State Aids: the Principal Legislative Texts – A Critical Commentary (in Greek), Nomiki Vivliothiki, 2012
6. “Article 87: State Aid” (with P. Nicolaides), in Competition Policy in the EU: the Decentralised Application, European Institute of Cyprus, 2009
Journal Articles
1. “Stretching the Concept of Existing Aid Alterations and the New Role of National Courts in State Aid Proceedings”, Annotation on the appeal judgement in Case C-590/14 P DEI of 21 October 2016 (the follow up of case T-542/11 Alouminion v European Commission), EstAL 2/2017
2. “Case T-542/11, Aluminium v European Commission”, Annotation on the Judgement of the General Court of 8 October 2014 (co- written with Maria Munoz de Juan), EstAL 2/2015
3. “Time’s up – Procedural Delays in State aid Cases: An overview of the case law” (co-written with Ketill Einarsson), 611 EstAL 1/2015
4. “Sale of Lund: A Bridge too Far” for national courts (BVVG, Case C-39/14), European Law Reporter 5/2015
5. “Financial Penalties on a Member State for Failing to Fulfil its Obligations – Effective and Efficient means of State Aid Enforcement”, Annotation on the Judgement of the Court of Justice (Third Chamber) of 17 November 2011 in Case C-496/09 Commission v Italy, 554 EstAL 3/2013
6. “Driving” Altmark in Land transport”, I State Aid Law Quarterly, 2012
7. “The implications on the Europe 2020 Strategy for Services of General Economic Interest (SGEI)”, (co-written with Dr Ioana Eleonora Rusu), EIPASCOPE 2011 (special issue)
8. “Recent developments on Infrastructure funding: when does it not constitute State aid”, III State Aid Law Quarterly, 2011
9. “State Aid in the context of Infrastructure Funding”, (in Greek) 2-3/2011 Public Procurement and State Aid Law Market Review, Center of International and European Economic Law Thessaloniki, Greece
10. “The Award of Public Contracts and the notion of “Internal Operator” Under Regulation 1370/2007 on Public Passenger Transport Services by Rail and by Road”, (co-written with Dr Ioana Eleonora Rusu), 19 Public Procurement Law Review 6, 2010
11. “The European Competition Network (ECN): It does Actually Work Well”, 1 EIPASCOPE 2009
12. “Régie Networks v Direction de contrôle fiscal Rhône-Alpes Bourgogne” (Case Annotation co written with Dr Ioana Eleonora Rusu), III State Aid Law Quarterly, 2009
13. “The big enterprise of defining SMEs in state aid cases” – I State Aid Law Quarterly, 2008
14. “Cumulation of de minimis aid to enterprises that form a single economic unit” (with P. Nicolaides and M. Kleis), I State Aid Law Quarterly, 2008
15. “Public financing of urban transport: the application of EC state aid rules” (with P. Nicolaides), 31 World Competition 3, 2008
16. “Compatibility Assessment Under Greek Merger Control: Recent Developments and Practice” (co-written with Theodore Galanis), 3 ECLR 2007
17. “When do ‘Firms in Trouble Escape State Aid rules?” (co-written with Professor P. Nicolaides), I State Aid Law Quarterly, 2005
18. “EC State aid control: the new definition of small and medium size enterprises – relevant issues of concern”, (in Greek) 2 Public Procurement & State Aid Law Review, 2005, Center of International and European Economic Law Thessaloniki, Greece
19. “The Obligation of National Authorities to Recover Unlawful State Aid: defences and related implications”, (in French) 2 EIPASCOPE, 2004
20. “EC State Aid Policy: Procedure and the Rights of Third Parties”, (in Greek) 2 Public Procurement & State Aid Law Review, 2004, Center of International and European Economic Law Thessaloniki, Greece
21. “An Economic Analysis on EC Guidelines on State Aids for the Rescue and Restructuring of Companies in Difficulty” (co-written with Professor P. Nicolaides), 4 Intereconomics 204, 2004
22. “An Assessment of EC State Aid Policy on Rescue and Restructuring of Companies in Difficulty” (co-written with Professor P. Nicolaides), 9 ECLRev, 578, 2004
23. “The Statement of Objections as an inherent part of the Right to be Heard in EC Merger Proceedings: issues of concern”, 8 ECLRev 518, 2004
24. “The Rights of Notifying Parties and Third Parties during the Commission’s Investigation Procedure under the EC Merger Control Regulation”, 4 European Business Law Review 429, 2003
1. “Funding of inland transport links to ports: a comparison of UK and continental experience” (with Peter Burgess, Guillermo Massot (Arup) and David Whitehead (British Port Association) – paper presented in European Transport Conference 2007
2. “Competition Policy in the Electricity Industry – Conference Proceedings” (co-written with Winfried Poecherstorfer) – Law & Energy (Greek Periodical), 5/2006
3. Book Review: “Issues of EC Law, Jurisprudence of the ECJ. A Critical Approach. State Aid – Telecommunications – Public Procurement – EC Procedural Law”, (in Greek) written by Dr Antonis Metaxas, 2 Public Procurement & State Aid Law Review, 2005, Center of International and European Economic Law Thessaloniki, Greece