Competition law and pen on a table.


I have extensive experience in providing State aid legal advice to public institutions (e.g. ministries, municipalities, management authorities etc) and companies:

State aid lawyer (2024 – ) 

  • Advising on the EU funded project “Structural separation of accounts in key State-owned enterprises to align with EU State aid rules”, as part of Ukraine’s EU accession process and Ukraine Facility 2024-2027.
  • Advised an intergovernmental and non-profit organisation on risks and limitations for EU State aid compliance.

Experience from the European Commission (2018-2023)

  • Engaged in discussions with the participating Member States and provided advice on the design of large cross border integrated IPCEIs in the areas of Batteries, Hydrogen Technology, Hydrogen Industry and Microelectronics & Connectivity (often involving more than ten Member States and multiple companies).
  • Managed the assessment of the Chapeau document of all the above mentioned IPCEIs in close cooperation with the Member State involved and other Commission services.
  • Engaged in discussions with Member States and companies to refine the understanding of issues at stake and providing advice and assistance on the redesign of public measures, thereby ensuring their compliance with the State aid rules on IPCEIs or the CEEAG.
  • Undertakook a complex legal and economic assessment of multiple company project portfolios participating in the above mentioned IPCEIs.
  • Performed detailed and complex assessment of the innovative elements of the R&D carried out under the IPCEIs in close cooperation/coordination with other Commission services, such as RTD, JRC, DG ENVI, DG CLIMA, DG GROW and DG CNECT (e.g. assessing that R&D on the deployment of electrolysers or on the new generation of batteries or on digital computing, smart sensors and power semiconductors goes beyond the global state of the art).
  • Actively contributed to decision-drafting, inter-service consultation, preparation of briefings and notes for the management and the Commissioner. I was the pen holder in the drafting of five IPCEI decisions.
  • Advised Member States and companies and providing policy analysis on the European Chips Act and its differentiation from the IPCEI on Microelectronics and Connectivity, thereby contributing to the implementation of national programmes related to the digital transition.
  • Advised Member States on the interpretation of the multiple legislative provisions of the IPCEI, the R&D&I framework, the CEEAG and the GBER, related to concepts of research and innovation, early adopter of innovative technology, energy efficiency, low/zero emission mobility, energy infrastructure, industry decarbonization, broadband deployment, national employment and training measures etc.
  • Assessed Greek plans to support a CCS project for the refinery industry, under CEEAG.
  • Performed complex legal and economic analysis and advice in the context of ensuring compliance of public maritime transport SGEI measures with the internal market rules and the EU legislation on State aid and public procurement. I was responsible for the decision-drafting, inter-service consultation, preparation of briefings and notes for the management and the Commissioner, as regards three cases (i.e. public service compensation and privatization of Toremar, Laziomar and Caremar).
  • Managed, administered and coordinated from State aid perspective the Recovery and Resilience Plans of Greece, Lithuania and Slovenia. Provided legal and policy analysis, advice and assistance (internally to the management as well as directly to the Member States) on the proposed reform and investment initiatives of the RRP, which aim at ensuring economic resilience of Member States and more possibilities for recovery and national prosperity, by delivering on the objectives of (indicative examples):
    a. the green transition (e.g. sustainable power generation, storage systems to enhance renewable energy sources penetration, clean vehicles and charging infrastructure network, sustainable urban environment etc.)
    b. the digital transformation (e.g. transforming State information technology governance, digital radio, data infrastructure and services, 5G corridors, submarine fibre cables etc.)
    c. the health resilience (e.g. digitalization of processes, increase of R&D in life science industry, reduction of pharmaceutical expenses, artificial AI in healthcare provision etc.)
    d. the innovation and science (e.g. innovation fund for start-ups, development of environmental friendly technologies, promoting participation in R&D clusters, competitiveness of education etc.)
    e. the favourable business environment for job creation (e.g. digital transformation of labour systems, restructuring of public employment services, e-services to unemployed and companies etc.)
  • Provided detailed legal assessment of national measures that facilitate aggressive tax planning by big multinationals. Furthermore, I contributed to decision-drafting, inter-service consultation, preparation of briefings and notes for the management and the Commissioner. As part of the Nike team, I contributed to the drafting of the opening of a formal investigation decision and the adoption of a market information tool decision. Furthermore, I contributed to the drafting of the opening of a formal investigation decision concerning Belgian Excess Profit.
  • Kept close cooperation/coordination with DG TAXUD in order to ensure alignment of State aid enforcement with the broader policy agenda of the Commission as regards taxation (e.g. I contributed to the drafting of an internal note on the application of Article 116 TFEU, and actively participated in discussions with DG TAXUD).
  • Contributed to the general rulings’ investigation over new tax rulings granted by Member States during the period 2014-2018 (I was responsible for the Greek and Cypriot files).
  • Advised on issues related to national corporate tax systems (e.g. Malta ‘Single Malt’ tax scheme and Greek Law 89/1967 on the establishment in Greece of foreign subsidiaries providing certain activities to their parent companies), drawing the line between the exclusive competence of Member States in the design of these systems and the Commission’s duty to ensure compliance of those tax systems with the internal market rules.

Experience from the EFTA Surveillance Authority (2012-2018)

  • Engaged in discussions with EFTA States and companies and provided legal analysis, advice and assistance on the implementation of EU policies in compliance with EEA law, in particular the State aid rules on the R&D&I, the CEEAG, the State aid transport legislation, the regional aid guidelines, the broadband aid guidelines, the public procurement rules, etc.
  • Performed complex legal and economic assessment and decision-drafting in cases involving MEIP (SAS revolving credit facility, KTP, tax regime for petroleum exploration), SGEI (Aust-Agder public transport, Hurtigruten maritime transport), port infrastructure funding (Husavik), regional aid (operating aid scheme) etc.
  • Engaged in discussions with EFTA States for the design of new transport measures in compliance with EEA procurement rules.
  • Contributed with written comments and policy analysis to the Commission’s launchings of public consultations for new State aid rules pursuant to the objectives of the Commission’s State aid policy reform/modernization programme of 2012.
  • Represented the EFTA Surveillance Authority and played an active role by submitting oral observations in the multilateral meetings with the EEA States and the Commission under the Commission’s modernization programme.
  • Assisted EFTA States in the implementation of the State aid modernization process and the development of their national policies, by providing advice and replies to interpretation questions related to multiple horizontal and sectoral areas, notably employment and training State aid policies, R&D&I and research infrastructures, energy efficiency measures for urban and mobility applications, international connectivity via submarine cables, digitalization of radio broadcasting etc.
  • Participated in monitoring exercises and evaluations of public aid measures, thereby assessing the impact of State aid and verifying whether those measures deliver on the objectives of the EEA Agreement and its secondary legislation (e.g. ex post evaluation of regional operating aid scheme boosting investments and jobs).

Experience as a private consultant (2004-2012)

  • Advice to a Greek Law firm on the obligations of owners and independence of a company undergoing rescue and restructuring.
  • State aid advice to the Polish Ministry of Regional Development (JASPERS – COWI) under a framework contract with the European Commission, DG Regional Policy. The objective was to appraise the State aid aspects of the application of a major productive investment project.
  • State aid advice to the Croatian Ministries of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (JASPERS – COWI) under a framework contract with the European Commission, DG Regional Policy. The objective was to appraise the State aid aspects of the application of a major environmental investment project.
  • Advice to a Greek Transport Management Authority on the notion of economic activity as regards alleged State aid provided to a transport company.
  • Advice to an international accounting company (Technical assistance project – Lithuania) on issues concerning recovery of incompatible State aid, as well as on issues of applying the structural funds regulations.
  • State aid advice to the State aid Unit of the Ministry of Regional Development and Competitiveness, Athens, Greece on issues concerning the financing of e-equipment in the sector of maritime transportation of passengers.
  • State aid advice to the Managing Authority of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, Greece on issues concerning the development of geothermal energy resources for the benefit of farmers and other undertakings.
  • Advice to an Austrian State aid grantor in the agricultural sector on procedural and recovery issues.
  • Advice to the Department of Competition of the Norwegian Ministry of Government Administration and Reform on aspects of training aid.
  • Advice to an international consulting company specializing on R&D&I, as regards the application of State aid rules concerning the implementation of a FP6 demonstration project involving renewable energy.
  • Advice to a Management Division of the Lithuanian Ministry of Finance on issues regarding investment on airport infrastructure.
  • State aid advice to the Cyprus Ministry of Communications and Works (JASPERS) which was in the process of preparing a new public service contract for transport services.
  • State Aid Expert to the Polish Ministry of Regional Development and Ministry of Infrastructure (JASPERS-ARUP). The main objective was to advise on how to handle State aid issues related to urban transport projects and to identify the possible and most effective ways of absorbing EU funds.
  • State aid legal advice on various issues to Malta Enterprise.
  • State aid advice on various issues to the Commissioner of State Aid in Cyprus.
  • State aid advice to the Welsh Development Agency. The purpose of the advice concerned the question of whether it was necessary for the WDA to submit a notification to the European Commission with respect to an application for R&D aid and, additionally, identify relevant information to be included in the notification.
  • State aid advice at the request of the Maltese State Aid Monitoring Board, on the identification of mechanisms and modalities for the implementation of a special temporary State aid scheme to support processors and recognised retailers of imported sugar.

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